Mental Fitness And Performance Coaching For Business Owners, Leaders And Their Teams.

Three Brain Training’s unique, science-based coaching programmes help business owners and leaders perform at their best, feel their best, and thrive during turbulent times.


1. Book A Call


2. Take Our Training


3. Supercharge Performance

Are You Struggling To Juggle Your Professional Aspirations With Family Life, Health And Well Being?

If So, Then You’re Likely Also Counting The Costs To Your Performance:

Burnt Out And Exhausted

You’re tired, frazzled and in need of a rest, but even when you try to rest up, you never feel fully recharged.

Feeling Overwhelmed

You struggle to cope and often feel out of control and struggling to keep all your plates spinning.

Unproductive And Distracted

You can’t focus on the job at hand and find yourself easily distracted and struggling to get stuff done.

Losing Clarity Of Thought

Brain fog, overthinking and worrying interrupt your day and you struggle to “get out of your head”.

Lacking Focus And Direction

You find it difficult to keep motivated and moving forward and you wonder if it’s all worth it.

But What If It Didn't Have To Be This Way? What If You Could...

Supercharge Your Performance

Increase Your Productivity

Triple Your Motivation

Harness Laser-Like Focus

Maximise Your Well Being

Reduce Stress And Burn Out

Build Unbreakable Resilience

Feel Energised And Refreshed

I understand your struggles, and I’m here to help.

Andre Duquemin, Founder of Three Brain Training, Peak Performance And Mental Fitness Coach

I have spent the past twenty years immersed in the field of health and well-being, working as a therapist and coach to more than 5000 people.

After two decades studying with masters in a variety of fields such as peak performance, trauma, neuroscience and positive psychology I have created a powerful, science-led method for helping business owners and their teams.

In my one to one and group coaching programmes I teach high performers how they can perform at their best, feel their best and thrive, even during the turbulent times we are living in today.

Three Brain Training’s powerful, science-based tools help you to work with your nervous system, reducing stress levels and bringing a sense of calm, clarity and focus.

We do this by helping you bring balance to three powerful systems which we refer to as the survival, feeling and thinking brains.

The Survival Brain

In charge of keeping us safe from harm and controls the primal nervous response known as fight/ flight/ freeze.

The Feeling Brain

Helps us to process our emotions more effectively and stay in control of our responses.

The Survival Brain

Handles logic, planning, and problem-solving; it also helps give life a sense of meaning and purpose

Your Plan For Becoming An Elite Business Performer!

Book A Call To Speak With Us

We’ll get on a call for 30 minutes, ask some questions and formulate a plan for your success.

Receive Your Individualised Plan

Within two days we will send you a plan of action based on the answers you gave us. This will be an assessment of your overall Three Brain Fitness.

Implement Your Plan

Once you have your plan of action, you can join one of our programmes (one to one, or group), or you can choose to work through the plan on your own, the choice is yours!

Hear what our clients have to say

Bruce Ball

Day Trader

“I am now more focused on the present moment and I have improved my mental fitness.

The work we have done together has helped me make life-changing financial gains by helping me remain calm and focused in high-pressure trading situations, whilst keeping my thought processes clear.“

Mark Rothery

MD, Financial Services Firm

I can’t tell you how grateful I am for the impact of the three brain techniques on me personally.

As well as being of great benefit to me personally, I am now in a much better position to support those around me, which is undoubtedly a requirement for any responsible leader in these difficult times.

Kirsten Theobald

Coaching Business Owner

It has been incredible. My life has changed completely; everything around me has changed too.

The positivity and connection are so powerful, and I have new knowledge, tools and techniques to guide me from now on.

Explore The Programme

Our 3BT Mental Fitness Training helps you bring balance to your three brains and build new neural networks, in just eight weeks.

Our online training, accessed on laptop, tablet or phone, gives you personalised daily practice to make changes fast.

For Work And Business

When teams focus on changing routine behaviours, and circuit break these old patterns and responses, they can begin to forge new ground together.

Team dynamics change when individuals learn to adapt and increase resilience, mental fitness and emotional intelligence.

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Three Brain Training helps leaders, entrepreneurs, and knowledge workers perform at their best, feel their best and thrive during turbulent times.

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+44 7781 125310

Health Space, Grande Rue, St Martins, Guernsey, UK, GY46RX

©2023. Three Brain Training. All Rights Reserved.