Create the Life You Desire

Decoding the Science Behind Hypnotherapy

We understand that hypnotherapy is not a method people stumble upon casually; it’s a deliberate choice to explore the untapped potentials of the mind. In a world where evidence-based practices are becoming increasingly crucial, hypnotherapy stands as a bridge between the age-old wisdom of the mind and modern scientific understanding.

The Gentle Power of Hypnotherapy

Dr. Leanne S. Hawken, Ph.D., BCBA (Board Certified Behavior Analyst®) described her experience in our program as gentle and effective. She said, “People may think this is a weird modality of healing, but it actually is very gentle and effective. I think sometimes talk therapy can actually damage people, and I don’t believe that hypnotherapy can do damage to people, which is amazing. This can only help, not hurt. As somebody who has thrown everything at my complex PTSD, I found hypnotherapy to be 10 times more gentle than EMDR therapy. In fact, I haven’t been back to EMDR therapy since getting my first hypnotherapy session from Pennie. I don’t want to go back. It was too harsh for me. EMDR was healing, and it worked, but it was like being run through the washing machine, whereas hypnotherapy is like having a gentle breeze go through you. There was closure at the end of the session, which is amazing.”

The reason for Leanne’s experience of finding our process gentle and effective is because of the 4 R’s Pattern. With this method, we are able to gently and safely guide clients through past experiences in ways that create a feeling of resolve afterward.

What Is Hypnotherapy?

Hypnotherapy is like a mental toolbox that helps us tap into our inner potential for change and well-being. It’s a process that guides clients into a relaxed state of focused attention, where, through a guided conversation, you can explore your thoughts, feelings, and behaviors in a safe and gentle environment.

You could imagine hypnotherapy like stepping into a serene garden within your mind. In this garden, the noise of everyday concerns fades away, and you’re surrounded by a sense of calm and safety. This is the state of focused relaxation that hypnotherapy gently guides you into – a place where your mind can catch its breath and rejuvenate.

But this is more than just relaxation; it’s a state of heightened awareness. It’s as if a spotlight shines on your inner thoughts and experiences, allowing you to observe them more closely in a way that helps you learn from them. Think of it as a magnifying glass for your mind – you can examine thoughts and feelings you might not pay much attention to in your busy everyday life. This perspective allows you to increase your awareness, which begins the process of transformation.

The overview of the emotional stages of the Kokoro Hypnotherapy method is described in The 4 R’s video series. They are first to Recognize, second to Remove, then to Replace, and to Re-imagine.

How We Work

We are committed to guiding you on a transformative journey using our Kokoro 4R’s Pattern and The Grace Method. Our mission is to help you discover the incredible potential that resides within you by nurturing a deep connection with your Inner Voice through our gentle and effective method of transformation.

  • Guiding Your Flow

We specialize in transitioning you from "fight-or-flight" mode, to a state of flow to lead you into the theta brain state for accelerated learning, problem-solving, and creative flow.

  • Cultivating Being and Transformation

Our mission extends beyond surface-level transformation. We help you rediscover child-like creation, cultivate new thought patterns, and embrace resilience and creativity through our methods.

  • Empowerment Through Meditation

Discover patterns of meditation that empower independent inspiration through your Inner Voice. Embark on a journey of self-discovery and growth with our supportive guidance.

  • Inspiring Greatness

It is our intention to inspire you to become your best self by exploring subconscious fears, unearthing hidden motivations, and support you as you aligned your subconscious beliefs with your deep longings of the life you desire to create.

  • A Supportive Community

Kokoro Hypnotherapy is a nurturing community where vulnerability is our superpower. Weekly we share our victories, our growth challenges, and our one next step as we persevere towards continuous improvement together.

  • Empowerment and Contribution

Our commitment to your growth doesn't end with personal transformation—it's about creating a ripple-effect of empowerment that ripples through the families of our community and beyond, to create a generational legacy as you work to lift others and make a difference with your life.

Our Sessions Are Created in the Following Pattern:

Our sessions allow you to create a new perspective on your past experience. We like to say it’s never too late to have a good childhood because of the transformational power of hypnotherapy.

The subconscious mind is so amazingly powerful and so often underestimated in its potential. If it is the source of our pain, it is also the source of our solution. It’s not hypnotherapy per se that creates the transformation. It is you. You are the magic. It’s your desire and your intention that create your transformation. We simply get to be privileged enough to guide you on this journey.

Week 1

The first week's session is all about assessing four different areas of your life: Physical, emotional, intellectual, and spiritual. Clients love this session because it allows you to create a connection with your Higher self. This pattern can also be used to assess other areas of your life.

Week 2

The second week guides you in a conversation with one part of yourself, symbolized by The Phoenix who burns down the old part to be reborn stronger and wiser. The possibilities are endless when it comes to parts of ourselves to explore.

Week 3

The intention of the third week is to guide you in a safe conversation to connect with your child self. The pattern of this session is not part of the Grace Method, but experienced first hand by Pennie Wilson, being guided intuitively during her personal meditation.

Week 4

The fourth week's pattern is called the bridge. In the mind, we travel back over time to experience an experience that originally caused us deep emotional pain. The intention of this session is to reframe those experiences into something that will support you to see from a new perspective.

Hypnotherapy Process

The process of hypnotherapy involves a series of steps that guide individuals into a relaxed and focused state of consciousness, enabling them to explore their thoughts, emotions, and behaviors more deeply. This process applies to all types of Hypnotherapy (Group Hypno, Private 1:1 Sessions, and Recorded Hypnotherapy.) Here’s a breakdown of the actual process:

  • Initial Consultation

The journey begins with a conversation between the hypnotherapist and the individual to understand where you are, what you're experiencing in your current situation, and where you want to go. This consultation is the foundation of the 'map' that will be used to customize your session to your intention. We listen deeply to understand the client's goals, concerns, and reasons for seeking hypnotherapy so that during the session, we are guiding you where YOU want to go. ​

  • Relaxation

In the session, the hypnotherapist guides the individual into a state of deep relaxation, often through relaxation techniques, deep breathing, and soothing verbal cues. The purpose is to calm the mind, slow down thoughts, and open the doorway to the subconscious by becoming present and in the moment of NOW. This stage is the magic of meditation because it pulls us out of our busy "fight or flight" existence and into the mindset of open expansive curiosity.

  • Theta State

Guided through the imagery of walking down stairs, for example, the client is guided into the Theta brainwave state. This is the state where the client can let go of the critical judgmental thoughts of the conscious mind and enter into a childlike place where they can imagine and create. In this state of heightened awareness, the client's mind is more open to suggestions. It's important to note that the client remains in control and is not, at any point, under the "control" of the hypnotherapist. If you have questions on the idea of control, please review the FAQ's.

  • Safe Place

After relaxing the mind and the body, you are then guided to imagine going to a safe place. This is the place in your mind where you will create your transformation, and you can return to it any time you choose. Too often in life, we run at a frantic pace, and this stage shifts us out of "fight, flight, freeze, or fawn" into a place of calm where we can claim our power to create the life that we desire.

  • Exploration and Insight

With the individual in a receptive state, the hypnotherapist creates a guided conversation between the client and a part of the inner self. Through this exploration, answers often come to the surface, exposing the limiting emotions, memories, or beliefs that once held them back.

  • Reframing

By identifying negative thought patterns or limiting beliefs, the hypnotherapist can guide the individual in reframing these perspectives. This involves altering how these thoughts are perceived, leading to a more positive and empowered mindset.

  • Safe Place

The heart of the process involves statements of core beliefs in alignment with the client's desired intention. These suggestions are carefully worded and tailored to the person's preferences, whether it's building confidence, adopting healthier habits, or any other desired intention.

  • Visualization and Imagery

Hypnotherapy often employs visualization and guided imagery to help individuals create vivid mental images of their desired outcomes. This technique enhances the effectiveness of positive suggestions by engaging the mind's imagination.

  • Transition and Closure

As the session nears its end, the hypnotherapist guides the individual out of their Safe Place, ensuring they feel awake, refreshed, and fully present. If the client desires to share, a discussion follows to reflect on the experience and explore any insights gained during the session.

  • Integration and Follow-Up

Between sessions, individuals are encouraged to practice self-hypnosis techniques, visualization exercises, or other strategies discussed during the session. Follow-up sessions help track progress, make adjustments, and reinforce positive changes.

Hypnosis vs. Hypnotherapy

Hypnosis and hypnotherapy are two terms that often go hand in hand, yet they play distinct roles in the realm of psychology and personal development. Understanding their differences can shed light on how each contributes to helping individuals tap into the power of their minds for positive change.


Think of hypnosis as the tranquil gateway to altered consciousness. In this state, your mind is wonderfully responsive to suggestions. It’s akin to when you’re engrossed in a captivating movie, completely absorbed in the story. During hypnosis, your mind is deeply relaxed, and your focus narrows, creating a receptive environment for new thoughts and ideas. This state can be harnessed for various purposes, from relaxation and stress reduction to pain management.


Imagine hypnotherapy as the skilled artisan who expertly wields the tools unlocked by hypnosis. Hypnotherapy is the practical application of the hypnotic state for therapeutic purposes. Through guided sessions, a trained hypnotherapist helps you explore your thoughts, emotions, and behaviors in this heightened state of receptivity. The goal is to help you gain insights, change unhelpful thought patterns, and develop new perspectives.

Is Online Hypnotherapy Effective?

Yes, hypnotherapy can be effective for many individuals when used for specific goals and in the hands of a skilled practitioner. However, its effectiveness can vary depending on the person, the issue being addressed, and the approach used. Here are some key points to consider:

  • Evidence-Based Practice

Hypnotherapy has been studied in various contexts, and research suggests its potential effectiveness for specific issues, such as managing pain, reducing anxiety, improving sleep, and breaking habits.

  • Behavioral Change

Hypnotherapy can be successful in helping individuals change behaviors or thought patterns. For example, it's been used to aid in smoking cessation, weight management, and phobia treatment.

  • Individual Variability

People respond differently to hypnotherapy. Factors like mindset, openness to the process, and the specific issues being addressed can influence the outcomes.

  • Complementary Approach

Hypnotherapy can be used as a complementary technique alongside other forms of treatment, such as psychotherapy or medical interventions. We encourage a combination of self-development and learning skills that help to put your new beliefs into practice.

  • Specific Goals

Hypnotherapy tends to be most effective when used for specific goals or issues. It's not a one-size-fits-all solution but rather a targeted approach. You are the magic. It is the intensity of your desire focused on your specific intention that will allow you to create the transformation in your guided hypnotherapy sessions.


The evidence is mounting by the day. There is more scientific content available, and it would be overwhelming if we shared it all.

Here are just a few of our favorites.


Dr. Joe Dispenza: How to Remove Negative Thoughts? (ft. AI)

Turn Self Sabotage Into Self Improvement

2 Unexpected Ways to Heal Self Sabotage | MedCircle

Grace Smith Explains How She Became a Hypnotherapist

Watch a Live Hypnosis Session [WITH ME Series Part 1]

How Hypnosis Will Change Your Mental Health & Your Life | Hypnotherapist Grace Smith

Science of Hypnosis BBC Documentary

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