A Checklist & Guide To Knowing What You Need When You or Your Loved One Is Aging.

From Family Contact Information to Medications to Current Financials and Personal Needs and Re-questions.

Do you know all that you need Just In Case something should happen to you or your loved?

Be Confident In Knowing You Have Everything In Order Should, God Forbid, Anything Happen


"Just In Case" Guide

A Checklist & Guide To Knowing What You Need When You or Your Loved One Is Aging.

From Family Contact Information to Medications to Current Financials and Personal Needs and Re-questions.

Do you know all that you need Just In Case something should happen to you or your loved?

Be Confident In Knowing You Have Everything In Order Should, God Forbid, Anything Happen

With ‘Just In Case’ Guide

Just In Case is a guide that allows you to gather all your information in one place.


Because you don’t want (insert family member that will screw it up) overseeing your finances, online accounts, funeral arrangements, and everything in between.

Just In Case gives you the confidence that everything will be seamless as you desire and allow you to stay in control of your life Just In Case anything should happen.

Providing you with the checklist of personal preferences including:

  • Who should care for your pet

  • Allergies and medications should you be incapacitated

  • Who you would want to speak at your funeral so.(insert family member) doesn’t

As well as legal information:

  • Bills and making sure they are paid or cancelled

  • Insurance and what kind you have so your loved ones know what kind of care you should receive

  • Legal documents and where they are Just In Case

Witness the peace of mind you and your loved ones will have knowing what to do at any moment!

Feel Confident knowing all will be fine with you and your loved ones’ future in just 21 days or less.

Special Offering to friends and family.

Get It Today for Only


It’s important to me you don’t find yourself in a pickle!!

After the 21 Days you will have:

  • A Summary of Medications, Allergies, & Preferences

  • Lists of preferences to Provide Hospital Staff

  • Create An Actionable Plan to gather all the information

  • Know Who To Call & What To Do

  • Doctors, Banks, Legal Documents

By Following This Step By Step Guide you will identify and break free from stress weighing you down, and spring into action with a plan now so you can focus on the emotional needs, should (when) the time arise!

Did you know 92% of people who set goals do not achieve them?

They all have good intentions, but

  • Distractions take over

  • Lack of motivation sets in

  • Not knowing where to begin or the steps to take

  • There is no accountability, so you go back to repeating old habits or patterns

Then the goal of getting everything together passes us by and we find ourselves suck in the same routine for months if not years.

And if you’re the caretaker then you definitely need this!

And then loose the question of where everything is and leaving money on the table or overpaying because you’re in a desperate situation.

You just want to know things are in order and you know where to go and what to do and who is assigned to what!


A Step-By-Step Guide To Identifying What You Need to Have Just In Case Something Should happen to you or your loved one.

This guide shows you how to pull all the necessary information together in attainable steps to keep you motivated and inspired. This proven strategy enables you to know what you need to know and know where to start.

  • A guide with resources and tools

  • Links to know where to find the information you need

  • This guide is also broken down into a 21 Day Challenge to finally get you there knowing what step to take each day

With Just In Case you’ll Get the Just In Case workbook is a checklist and the videos to walk you through each step so you know what to gather and why!

The workbook is a pdf document you can download and fill in for you to keep in a safe place.

Here's how the Just In Case workbook and videos are broken down:

  • Module 1: Personal – Covers contact information and likes and dislikes.

  • Module 2: Financial – Income, Investments, Debts, and Contacts

  • Module 3: Medical – Medications, Doctors, Allergies, Insurance

  • Module 4: Legal – Will, Power of Attorney, Guardianships. & Trusts

  • Bonus: Tough Conversations, Contracts, & Schedules

You’ll finally pull all the necessary information together and have a piece of mind knowing you have what you need!

Who this guide is for:

  • Anyone that has a loved one that they want to protect by providing all the necessary information needed Just In Case anything should ever happen

  • Someone that no longer wants to burdened with worry that you wouldn’t know what to do should anything happen to you or your loved one

  • Anyone that feels overwhelmed and not sure where to start on pulling all the information together

  • Anyone that doesn’t want to burden their loved ones with trying to find all the necessary information should anything happen to them

  • A loved one that should keep a card or information in their wallet should they wind up in the hospital and they need to know medications, allergies, and conditions.

Having this information pulled together could:

Reduce Anxiety & Stress

Reduce Family Feuds

Manage Emotional Well Being

Avoid Trauma

Prevent Copious Amounts of (insert vice here) and/or Therapy

Get the Just In Case guide for only


Start taking the steps to security, piece of mind, and confidence knowing systems are in place so that Just In Case anything happens you will be able to be good to yourself and process the moment and all of it’s emotions in a healthy way

I mean life has it’s complications, why not use a proven system to taking the right steps in making sure you and your loved ones are protected and knowledgeable Just In Case.

And hey, it doesn’t have to be a chore!

We’ve made the process simple and straight forward!

And the graphics aren’t half bad either.

Just to lighten the mood.

Typically $333, Get It Today for Only


Plus Get A Medical Card template that you can fill out, laminate, and keep it in your wallet Just In Case! It provide a place to reference allergies, medications, and conditions.

This guide shows you how to start pulling all the necessary information together with

  • Stories, exercises, visuals, and tools you’ve been needing in your life

  • Links to resources, referrals, and additional tools and recommended readings

  • All packaged in a 21-Day Challenge

Frequently Asked Questions

Is this an online course? How will the program work?

After we receive payment, you will receive an email with your username and password and link to access your personal portal.

Will these skills work for me?

They will work for anyone that puts the steps in place and the workshop outlines. However, we recommend you seek a local specialist in your community to speak directly into your specific needs.

How soon will I start to see results?

As soon as you implement the action steps.

How much is it to sign up?

Friend and family discount for a limited time at $17

100% satisfaction guaranteed

We’re so confident that you’ll find huge value inside of this guide and the bonuses, we want to stand behind our promise of giving you 100% money back if you don’t find this workbook valuable for any reason, no questions asked!

Get Access to the Just In Case guide Plus Just In Case Organizer for only $17 Today!